Greenwashing refers to communication that abusively uses the ecological or sustainable development argument to intentionally or unintentionally mislead the consumer on the real ecological quality of the product or on the reality of the sustainable development approach.
General Directorate of Food (France – « Direction Générale de l’Alimentation »)
The mission of the Direction Générale de l’Alimentation is to protect the health of consumers, animals, plants and the environment by establishing and controlling the sanitary conditions under which animal and plant foodstuffs are produced and placed on the market or introduced on the national territory. The DGAL ensures the safety and quality of food at all levels of the food chain.
General Directorate of Health (France – « Direction Générale de la Santé »)
The Direction Générale de la Santé is responsible for preparing public health policy and contributing to its implementation. Its action is pursued through four main objectives: to preserve and improve the health status of citizens, to protect the population from health threats, to guarantee quality, safety and equal access to the health system, and to mobilize and coordinate stakeholders.
Government agency in charge of enforcement of food standards (« Direction générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des fraudes »)
The DGCCRF ensures that competition is respected and fair, that consumers are economically protected and that consumer products and services are safe and compliant. The DGCCRF is in charge of detecting and sanctioning abusive commercial practices (rules on labelling, composition and denomination of goods). It ensures consumer safety by controlling food and industrial products and by monitoring product hazard indicators. The DGCCRF monitors the application of regulations for food and industrial products at all levels (production, import, distribution).
General compliance obligation
From the moment they are first placed on the market, products must comply with the requirements in force relating to the safety and health of persons, fair trading and consumer protection. The person responsible for first placing a product on the market is therefore responsible for checking that the product complies with the requirements in force (Article L411-1 of the Consumer Code).
General Product Safety Directive
General product safety is regulated by a directive that requires companies to market only safe products and to take all corrective measures if they are not. This Directive introduces a European Rapid Alert System for unsafe non-food products (RAPEX) which allows national authorities to rapidly share available information on any measures taken to withdraw these products from the market (Directive 2001/95/EC).
Guidance on the management of food safety alerts
This guide defines the principles for the circulation of information between food business operators and the administration in France in the event of the detection of a non-compliance. This guide aims to establish rules for rapid, concerted and effective action in the event of alert situations that may put consumer health at risk.
Guidelines for good hygiene practice
Guidelines on good hygiene practices and the application of HACCP principles are reference documents designed by professionals for their sector. These guidelines aim to help professionals to control food safety and to comply with their regulatory obligations.
Qolumn, law firm
Address : 37 avenue de Friedland – 75008 Paris – France
Tel : +33 1 78 96 99 00