Economic parasitism is defined as the set of behaviours by which an economic agent interferes in the wake of another in order to profit, without spending any of its efforts and know-how (definition from French jurisprudence).
Penal transaction
A legal mechanism that allows individuals or legal entities who commit offences to pay a fixed penalty in order to end the prosecution. The penal transaction is an alternative procedure to criminal prosecution.
A product used to prevent, destroy or control pests or diseases, or to protect plants or plant products during their production, storage and transport. The term also covers products that are not intended for use on plants/crops, such as biocides. Term commonly used as a synonym for “plant protection product”.
Pesticide residues
One or more substances present in or on plants or plant products, edible animal products, drinking water or elsewhere in the environment and resulting from the use of a plant protection product, including their metabolites, breakdown or reaction products (Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009).
Placing on the market
First placing of a product on the EU market.
Primary ingredient
An ingredient or ingredients of a food that represent more than 50 % of that food or which are usually associated with the name of the food by the consumer and for which in most cases a quantitative indication is required (Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011).
Priority Constitutional Issue
Procedure provided for in Article 61-1 of the French Constitution, by which any litigant may argue during a trial that a law infringes the rights and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees.
Processing aid
Processing aids are substances, not consumed as food ingredients per se, but used intentionally in the treatment or processing of raw materials, foodstuffs or their ingredients in order to meet a specific technological objective (French Decree n° 2011-509).
Product law
Products Law is a rare area of legal expertise which combines a thorough understanding of complicated technical regulations with the fundamentals of Business Law (liability, contracts, free movement of goods, consumer law, criminal law, commercial litigation).
Professional Advertising Regulation Authority (« Autorité de régulation professionnelle de la publicité »)
In France, the ARPP is the professional regulatory body for advertising. The ARPP defines the ethical rules that apply to its members, provides advice during the development of advertisements and gives an opinion before broadcasting on the compliance of television commercials with professional rules and regulations in force.
Protected designations of origin
The PDO designates a product in which all stages of production are carried out according to a recognised know-how in a specific geographical area which gives the product its characteristics. The PDO is a European sign which protects the name of the product throughout the EU (Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012).
Qolumn, law firm
Address : 37 avenue de Friedland – 75008 Paris – France
Tel : +33 1 78 96 99 00